Submissions, Timeline, and Next Steps

Friends, Romans, Countrymen,

I am pleased to announce that the review panel forĀ Finding the Golden Key has finished reviewing the stack of very excellent submissions we received for the book. We’ve chosen which ones to accept, which ones to reject, and we have sent off emails to all submitters. This means that if you submitted an abstract via our website, you should have received a response.

I cannot stress enough that this was a difficult process. There were many excellent essays which we simply had to turn down due to space constraints, redundancy, or simply because an essay — while great — was not a good fit for this particular volume. It also forced us to think long and hard about the exact shape which this book should take. I hope that we will be able to post a tentative table of contents soon — I think everyone will be excited to see what we came up with. In the meantime, here’s what you can expect for the next phase of the project:

Due to unavoidable (and often wonderful) delays in our personal lives, we have extended the deadline for the complete version of papers by one month. Here’s the revised timeline:

April 30 – 4,000-6,000 word chapters are due for peer review and editorial comment.

August 31st – Final chapters due.

Additionally, we are hoping over the course of the next few months to set up a YouTube channel for the project and begin interviewing the contributors. Watch this space for more information about that in the near future.

To all of our submitters, whether or not your submissions were accepted, please accept my heartfelt thanks for your interest in this project. I hope you will join us in praying that this project will bear much fruit.

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